Sunday, March 8, 2015

Present day Boooker T

Present time Booker T


There have been many famous people leading people out of tyrany. Nelson Mandela, MLK, and Mahatma Ghandi to name a few. But the real wander is who are he leading spokespersons for African Americans today and how do they compare to Dubois and Washington?



Most people today would immediatly say Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is easily the most renown of them all. He is well known for his "I have a Dream" speech. In this speech he states  "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." 

This speech shows King was an advocate for equality but he wanted equality immediatly. Later in his speech he has visions of " I have a dream my four little children will live in a world where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. "




Another famous leader of freeing African Americans is Nelson Mandela. Mandela lived in South Africa during Apartheid. During this time the whites and blacks were separated by were they live and work. Nelson helped Africans gain more freedom through peaceful protests and speeches. Because of his action against the government he was sent to Robben Island. He was sentenced to life in prison for these actions. He was isolated because the government and police thought he was too powerful to be with others at the prison.

 Though in prison, African people felt Mandela was still with them and they could overthrow the racial government. Mandela spent only 18 years in prison and was released February 11, 1990. After his release he met with ANC leaders and South African officials to revise the constitution and get multiracial elections. Then on May 10, 1994 Mandela won the elction and became the president of South Africa. He led the country to becoming a free and proud country. He retired officially in 2004 from public view and donated huge sums of money to start charities for South Africans. Easily the most influential man of his time.


These people are our present day Booker T. Martin Luher with the civil rights movement and Nelson Mandela with leading Africans out of bondage and into freedom helped change the world forever. They all wanted people to be treated equally and not be judged on their skin color instead of who they truly are.

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